
Overview of the accounts package in ZKsync Era

The zksync2-swift SDK provides robust classes for managing and signing transactions within the ZKsync network. This package is essential for developers looking to integrate ZKsync functionalities into their Swift applications, enabling secure and efficient handling of transactions and account management.

Primary classes

The primary classes involved in account management and transaction signing are:


An instance of the WalletL1 class, which is used to manage accounts and sign transactions on Layer 1 of the ZKsync network.


An instance of the WalletL2 class, which is used to manage accounts and sign transactions on Layer 2 of the ZKsync network.


An instance of the BaseDeployer class, which provides the necessary functionalities to deploy contracts and handle other deployment-related tasks within the ZKsync ecosystem.


walletL1WalletL1Instance of WalletL1 class.
walletL2WalletL2Instance of WalletL2 class.
deployerBaseDeployerInstance of BaseDeployer class.

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