
Detailed reference for all types used in the zksync2-java


Enumerated list of account abstraction versions.

  • None = 0 (Used for contracts that are not accounts.)
  • Version1 = 1


Class representation of batch information containing various optional and mandatory fields.

private String commitTxHash;
private Date committedAt;
private String executeTxHash;
private Date executedAt;
private Uint l1TxCount;
private Uint l2TxCount;
private Uint number;
private String proveTxHash;
private Date provenAt;
private String rootHash;
private String status;
private Uint timestamp;


Class representation of a block.

private String l1BatchNumber;
private String l1BatchTimestamp;


Class representation of block information containing various optional and mandatory fields.

private String commitTxHash;
private Date committedAt;
private String executeTxHash;
private Date executedAt;
private Uint l1TxCount;
private Uint l2TxCount;
private Uint number;
private String proveTxHash;
private Date provenAt;
private String rootHash;
private String status;
private Uint timestamp;


Used to call wallet.deposit, wallet.estimateGasdeposit, wallet.getDepositTransaction

public String tokenAddress;
public BigInteger amount;
public String to;
public BigInteger l2GasLimit;
public String bridgeAddress;
public byte[] customBridgeData;
public BigInteger gasPerPubdataByte;
public BigInteger operatorTip;
public String refoundRecipient;
public Boolean approveERC20;
public TransactionOptions options;


Type defining an EIP-712 transaction with optional parameters.

private BigInteger gasPerPubdata;
private byte[] customSignature;
private byte[][] factoryDeps;
private PaymasterParams paymasterParams;


Class representation of transaction fee.

private Uint256 gasLimit;
private Uint256 maxFeePerGas;
private Uint256 maxPriorityFeePerGas;
private Uint256 gasPerPubdataLimit;


Class representation of full deposit fee containing various mandatory and optional fields.

public BigInteger maxFeePerGas;
public BigInteger maxPriorityFeePerGas;
public BigInteger gasPrice;
public BigInteger baseCost;
public BigInteger l1GasLimit;
public BigInteger l2GasLimit;


Class representation of a layer 2 to layer 1 transaction log containing various fields.

public String BlockNumber;
public String BlockHash;
public String L1BatchNumber;
public String TransactionIndex;
public String ShardId;
public boolean IsService;
public Address Sender;
public String Key;
public String Value;
public String TxHash;
public int Index;


Class representation of message proof containing various fields.

private List<String> proof;
private Integer id;
private String root;


Type defining a paymaster by address and the bytestream input.

private String paymaster;
private byte[] paymasterInput;


private BigInteger l2GasLimit;
private String contractAddress;
private byte[] calldata;
private BigInteger l2Value;
private byte[][] factoryDeps;
private BigInteger operatorTip;
private BigInteger gasPerPubDataByte;
private String refoundRecipient;
private TransactionOptions options;


Interace representation of Merkle proofs for storage values.

private String address;
private StorageProofData storageProof;


String key;
String value;
BigInteger index;
String[] proof;


Class representation of token containing various fields.

public static final Token ETH = createETH();
private String l1Address;
private String l2Address;
private String symbol;
private Integer decimals;


Class representation of transaction details containing various mandatory and optional fields.

private boolean isL1Originated;
private TransactionStatus status;
private String fee;
private String initiatorAddress;
private Date receivedAt;
private String ethCommitTxHash;
private String ethProveTxHash;
private String ethExecuteTxHash;


private BigInteger nonce;
private BigInteger value;
private BigInteger gasPrice;
private BigInteger maxFeePerGas;
private BigInteger maxPriorityFeePerGas;
private BigInteger gasLimit;
private BigInteger chainId;


Class representation of transaction receipt that extends from Web3j TransactionReceipt with additional fields.

private String l1BatchNumber;
private String l1BatchTxIndex;
private List<L2toL1Log> l2ToL1Logs;


Non-enumerated enum list of transaction statuses.



public String to;
public BigInteger amount;
public String from;
public String tokenAddress;
public BigInteger gasPerPubData;
public PaymasterParams paymasterParams;
public TransactionOptions options;


public String tokenAddress;
public BigInteger amount;
public String to;
public String from;
public String bridgeAddress;
public byte[] customBridgeData;
public PaymasterParams paymasterParams;
public TransactionOptions options;


Pipe-delimited list of block labels that includes block number in denary and hex plus block statuses.

  • committed
  • finalized
  • latest


Class representation of log that extends Ethers Log and supplies the layer 1 batch number.

private String l1BatchNumber;

Made with ❤️ by the ZKsync Community