Smart Accounts

Create and interact with smart accounts, including multi-signature accounts

The Web3.js plugin for ZKsync allows users to create ZKsync smart accounts with custom logic for building and signing transactions.

Create a smart account

The SmartAccount constructor requires a parameter that implements the SmartAccountSigner interface and also accepts an optional L2 provider parameter, which can be omitted for smart accounts that are intended for offline usage. The SmartAccountSigner interface specifies two required parameters and two optional parameters:

  • address: (string) The address to which the SmartAccount is bound.
  • secret: (any) The secret that will be used to sign payloads.
  • payloadSigner: (PayloadSigner function) Optional. A function that accepts a payload, an optional secret, and an optional L2 provider and returns a serialized signature in hexadecimal format. The default value is the provided signPayloadWithECDSA function.
  • transactionBuilder: (TransactionBuilder function) Optional. A function that accepts partial transaction data, an optional secret, and an optional L2 provider and returns a Promise that resolves to a populated transaction. The default value is the provided populateTransactionECDSA function.

The following code sample demonstrates creating a basic SmartAccount and using it to interact with the ZKsync Era network:

import { Web3 } from "web3";
import {
} from "web3-plugin-zksync";

async function main() {
  const web3: Web3 = new Web3(/* optional L1 provider */);
    new ZKsyncPlugin(
  const zksync: ZKsyncPlugin = web3.ZKsync;

  // create a smart account with the default signer and transaction builder
  const smartAccount: SmartAccount = new SmartAccount(
    { address: "<ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>", secret: "<PRIVATE_KEY>" },

  console.log("Smart account balance:", await smartAccount.getBalance());

  .then(() => console.log("✅ Script executed successfully"))
  .catch((error) => console.error(`❌ Error executing script: ${error}`));

ECDSA Smart Accounts

The Web3.js plugin for ZKsync includes a helper function for creating an ECDSA smart account, which is demonstrated in the following code snippet:

const ecdsaSmartAccount: SmartAccount = ECDSASmartAccount.create(

Multi-Signature smart accounts

The Web3.js plugin for ZKsync includes a helper function for creating a multi-signature ECDSA smart account, which is demonstrated in the following code snippet:

const multiSigEcdsaSmartAccount: SmartAccount = MultisigECDSASmartAccount.create(

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