
Deploying contracts using ContractFactory

The ContractFactory in ZKsync is a utility that facilitates the deployment of smart contracts. It handles contract creation and initialization with various deployment methods.

Basic deployment methods


Deploy a contract using the basic create method.

import { ContractFactory, Provider, Wallet } from "zksync-ethers";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const provider = Provider.getDefaultProvider();
const wallet = new Wallet("<PRIVATE_KEY>", provider);

const abi = [ /* contract ABI */ ];
const bytecode = "0x..."; // contract bytecode

const factory = new ContractFactory(abi, bytecode, wallet);

async function deployContract() {
    const contract = await factory.deploy();
    await contract.deployed();
    console.log("Contract deployed at address:", contract.address);



Deploy a contract using the create2 method, which allows you to specify a salt for deterministic deployment.

const salt ="some unique salt");

async function deployContractCreate2() {
    const contract = await factory.getDeployTransaction(salt);
    await contract.deployed();
    console.log("Contract deployed at address:", contract.address);


Account deployment methods


Deploy a contract to create an account using the createAccount method.

const accountAbi = [ /* account contract ABI */ ];
const accountBytecode = "0x..."; // account contract bytecode

const accountFactory = new ContractFactory(accountAbi, accountBytecode, wallet);

async function createAccount() {
    const account = await accountFactory.deploy();
    await account.deployed();
    console.log("Account contract deployed at address:", account.address);



Deploy a contract to create an account using the create2Account method with a specified salt for deterministic deployment.

const salt ="another unique salt");

async function createAccountWithCreate2() {
    const account = await accountFactory.getDeployTransaction(salt);
    await account.deployed();
    console.log("Account contract deployed at address:", account.address);


Advanced deployment with constructor arguments

If your contract or account requires constructor arguments, you can pass them during deployment.

Example for create with constructor arguments

async function deployContractWithArgs(arg1, arg2) {
    const contract = await factory.deploy(arg1, arg2);
    await contract.deployed();
    console.log("Contract with args deployed at address:", contract.address);

deployContractWithArgs("Argument1", 123);

Example for create2 with Constructor Arguments

async function deployContractCreate2WithArgs(arg1, arg2) {
    const contract = await factory.getDeployTransaction(salt, arg1, arg2);
    await contract.deployed();
    console.log("Contract with args deployed at address:", contract.address);

deployContractCreate2WithArgs("Argument1", 123);

Deployment using a deployed library

If your contract depends on a library, you must link the library before deploying the contract.


const libraryAbi = [ /* library ABI */ ];
const libraryBytecode = "0x..."; // library bytecode

const libraryFactory = new ContractFactory(libraryAbi, libraryBytecode, wallet);

async function deployContractWithLibrary() {
    const library = await libraryFactory.deploy();
    await library.deployed();
    console.log("Library deployed at address:", library.address);

    const linkedBytecode = bytecode.replace(/__LibraryName__/g, library.address.replace("0x", ""));
    const factory = new ContractFactory(abi, linkedBytecode, wallet);

    const contract = await factory.deploy();
    await contract.deployed();
    console.log("Contract with library deployed at address:", contract.address);


Deployment and interaction

After deploying a contract, you can interact with it using the contract instance.


async function deployAndInteract() {
    const contract = await factory.deploy();
    await contract.deployed();
    console.log("Contract deployed at address:", contract.address);

    const response = await contract.someFunction("someParameter");
    console.log("Function response:", response);


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