ZKsync Virtual Machine primer

The ZKsync VM (zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine) is an essential component of the ZK Stack, designed to execute transactions similarly to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) but with a unique set of functionalities tailored to the needs of rollups.

ZKsync VM and its role in ZKsync

Unlike the EVM that operates Ethereum's smart contracts directly, the ZKsync VM is specifically engineered to efficiently run the State Transition Function (STF), which is vital for producing proofs of correct execution in a rollup context. This STF is defined by the Bootloader, which implements and runs it.

Execution of transactions

Transactions executed by the ZKsync VM are primarily written in native ZKsync VM bytecode, enabling straightforward execution. In the future, the system will also accommodate EVM bytecode through an efficient interpreter built into the ZKsync VM.

Unlike EVM, zkEVM is a register machine. EVM instructions operate on a stack. Instead, zkEVM operates primarily on sixteen registers and memory like most modern computers. That simplifies zero-knowledge proofs, which largely rely on building arithmetic circuits.

This document describes zkEVM assembly language, then the aspects of VM related to smart-contracts. Its purpose is not to be a complete reference, but to guide you through the main ideas.

VM architecture

The native type for zkEVM is a 256-bits wide unsigned integer, we call it a word.

Contracts are sequences of instructions. To support the execution of contracts, VM provides the following transient state:

  • registers: 16 general-purpose registers: r0, r1, …, r15. r0 is a special constant register: reading it yields 0, storing to it is ignored.
  • flags: three distinct boolean registers LT (less-than), EQ (equals, the result is zero) and GT (greater-than). Instructions may set or clear flags depending on computation results.
  • data stack: holds words, is free to use.
  • heap: for data that we want to pass around between functions and contracts. Heap is bounded, accesses are only free inside the bound, and we have to pay for growing the bound.
  • code memory: stores code of currently running contracts. May also be used as a constant pool.

VM is aware of two data types:

  • raw integers
  • pointers (to fragments of other contracts’ heaps).

Registers and data stack are tagged: VM keeps track of whether they hold pointers or raw integer values. Some instructions will only accept operands tagged as pointers.

Heap and storage are not tagged, so if we store a pointer to the heap, its tag is lost.

Contracts have key-value storages, where keys and values are untagged 256-bit integers. Instructions can change persistent contract storage.

VM is capable of both near calls (to the code within the same contract) and far calls (to other contracts).

Let us now gradually introduce the VM functionality guided by the instruction set.

Basic instructions

Contract code consists of instructions, they are executed sequentially.

Instructions usually operate with registers. For example, an instruction add may look like that:

; this is a comment
add 5, r2, r8  ; store (5 + r2) to r8

Or like that:

add 5, r0, r8  ; store (5 + 0) to r8

Notice that register r0 is used to feed constant zero values to instructions; this allows to use add X, r0, Y to copy a value X to Y .

Commonly, instructions accept two inputs and one output operands, following the schema:

arithmetic opcode

The first operand can be taken from:

  • registers
  • an immediate 16-bit value, like in the example above add 5, r2, r8. To use bigger numbers put them as constants in the code memory, see section Code Addressing.
  • directly from the code memory
  • stack in various ways, e.g. add stack=[2], r2, r8 takes the first element from the stack memory area, by an absolute address 2.
  • code memory

Only registers can be the source of the second operand.

add r0, 5, r8  ; error: 5 is an immediate value,
               ; but only register is allowed as second operand

There is usually at most one output operand. Similarly, the first output operand can be stored to registers or stack. If there is a second output operand, it can only be stored to a register.

Instructions are executed one after another, and every instruction has a gas cost measured in gas. A program that runs out of gas panics and none of its side effects are performed.

Every contract may have at most instructions.

Arithmetic instructions

Besides add, zkEVM implements sub for subtraction, and/ or / xor for bitwise logics, shl/ shr for logical shifts, rol/ ror for circular shifts. These instructions follow the same format, e.g.:

shl r1, r4, r3 ; right shift r1 by value of r4, store result in r3

Instructions mul and div are particular: they have two output operands:

  • mul r1, r2, r3, r4 stores the low 256 bits of r1_r2 in r3, high 256 bits of r1_r2 in r4
  • div r1, r2, r3, r4 stores the quotient in r3 and remainder in r4.


Most instructions support modifiers that alter their behaviour. The modifiers are appended to the name of the instruction, separated by a dot e.g. sub.s . Three basic modifier types are: set_flags , predicates, and swap.

Set flags

By default, most instructions preserve flags.

sub r1, r2, r3 ; r3 <- (r1 - r2), no flags are affected

The instruction sub is implemented so that it sets EQ if the result is zero (that is, if r1 == r2). But in this case, even if r1-r2 is zero, the EQ flag is not set, because we did not allow it explicitly. We allow instruction to set flags by appending a “set flags” modifier to them, like that:

sub! r1, r2, r3 ; r3 <- (r1 - r2); EQ = 1

Most instructions with “set flags” modifier set the flags as follows:

  • EQ - if result is zero
  • LT - if overflow occurs (result is "less" than zero)
  • GT - if not EQ and not LT (result is "greater" than zero)

Note that the details of the behavior may vary depending on which instruction is used.


Another type of modifiers allows transforming any instruction into a predicated, conditional instruction. Predicated instructions are only executed if flags satisfy their condition.

Recall the three flags: LT, EQ and GT.

For example, this sub instruction is only executed if EQ is set:

sub.eq r1, r2, r5

Here is how we can execute jump to a label .label_if_equals only if r1 == r2 :

sub! r1, r2, r3 ; r3 <- (r1 - r2); EQ = 1 if r1 == r2
jump.eq .label_if_equals

If the condition is not satisfied, we skip the instruction, but still pay its basic cost in gas.

Here is a full list of available predicates:

  • gt
  • eq
  • lt
  • ge (short for “GT or EQ”)
  • le (short for “LT or EQ”)
  • ne (short for "not EQ")
  • gtlt (short for "GT" or "LT")
  • of (synonym for "LT")


Recall that instructions may only accept data from stack as their first operand. What if we need the second operand from stack? For commutative operation, like add , mul, or and, the order of operands does not matter and we can just write add x,y,z instead of add y,x,z. However, for operations like sub or div we implement a special “swap” modifier which exchanges the operand values before executing the instruction. This is useful to work around the restriction that the second source operand has to be a register.

For example:

sub   r1, r2, r3 ; r3 <- r1 - r2
sub.s r1, r2, r3 ; r3 <- r2 - r1

Finally, here is an example of an instruction adorned with all possible modifiers:

sub.s.lt! r8, r4, r12

Here is a breakdown of modifiers:

  • .lt : is only executed if the LT flag is set
  • .s : computes r4 - r8 instead of r8 - r4
  • ! : sets flags

Other modifiers are instruction-specific. They are described in full in the instruction reference.

Calls and returns

The jump instruction allows to continue execution from a different place, but it does not allow to return back. An alternative is using calls; zkEVM supports calling code inside the contract itself (near calls) as well as calling other contracts (far calls).

Far calls

Far calls are the equivalent of calls in EVM.

Each call gets its own stack, heap, code memories, and allocated gas.

It is impossible to allocate more than 63/64 of the currently available gas to a far call.

Calls can revert or panic (on executing an illegal instruction for example), which undoes all the changes to storage, transient storage and events emitted during the call, and returns unspent gas to the caller.

Suppose we far called a contract . After the execution of , the register r1 holds a pointer to the return value, allowing a read-only access to a fragment of ’s heap. Alternatively, r1 can hold a pointer to the heap of some other contract that called internally. More on that in Pointers section.

Delegate calls. Beside normal far_call, there is a variant far_call.delegate. Delegate calls are a variation of far calls allowing to call a contract with the current storage space.

For example, suppose we have contracts A,B,C. Contract A calls B normally, then B delegates to C. Then C’s code is executed in a context of B’s storage, as if contract A called contract C. If C returns normally, the execution will proceed from the next instruction of B after delegate call. In case of revert or panic in C, all the usual rules apply.

Mimic calls. The last variant of far calls is far_call.mimic; it is inaccessible to users and only allowed in system contracts.

Any of far call variants can be additionally marked as .static to call a contract in static mode — see section Static Mode.

Return, revert, panic

There are three types of situations where control returns to the caller:

  • Return: a normal way of returning to the caller when no errors occurred. The instruction is ret.
  • Revert: a recoverable error happened. Unspent gas is returned to the caller, which will execute the exception handler. The instruction is revert.
  • Panic: an irrecoverable error happened. Same as revert, but LT flag is set. The instruction is ret.panic.

Near calls

Instruction near_call reg, address passes the control to a different address inside the same contract, like jump. Additionally, it remembers the context of execution in a special call stack (it is different from data stack and not accessible to assembly programmers).

Here is an example of calling function f .


; here will be the code of exception handler

; caller function
near_call r2, @f, @eh ; refer to labels in code using '@' symbol

; callee function

Additional two arguments:

  • label @eh is the address of exception handler. Functions, like contracts, may revert or panic, which leads to the execution of the exception handler.
  • register r2 holds how much gas we allocate to the function.

As we see, zkEVM supports allocating ergs not only for far calls, but also for near calls. Passing zero will allocate all available gas. Unlike in far calls, near calls do not limit the amount of gas passed to 63/64 of available gas.

All near calls inside the contract are sharing the same memory space (heap, stack), and do not roll back the changes to this memory if they fail. They do, however, roll back the changes to storage, transient storage and events.

Near calls cannot be used from Solidity to their full extent. Compiler generates them, but makes sure that if functions revert or panic, the whole contract reverts of panics. Explicit exception handlers and allocating just a portion of available gas are reserved for low-level code.

Accessing data outside registers

Stack addressing

As we already know, instructions may accept data not only in registers or as immediate 16-bit values, but also on stack.

Data stack is a collection of words with a pointer SP. This pointer contains the next address after the topmost stack element, so the topmost element has the address SP-1. Stack grows towards maximal address, i.e. pushing an element to stack increases SP.

On far call, SP starts in a new stack memory at 1024.

Reading from stack

There are several ways of accessing stack cells:


; r0 <- stack word by absolute index (r1+42), unrelated to SP
add stack=[r1+42], r0, r2

; r0 <- stack word by index (SP - (r1 + 42))
add stack[r1+42], r0, r2

; r2 <- stack word by index (SP - (r1 + 42)); additionally, SP += (r1+42)
add stack-=[r1+42], r0, r2

As we see there are three stack address modes for input operands; all of them use (register + offset).

Currently, the last mode is only used in a nop instruction as a way to rewind stack:

; effectively, SP -= reg+imm
nop stack-=[reg+imm]

Writing to stack

Storing results on stack is also possible:


; r1 -> word by absolute index (r2 + 42)
add r1, r0, stack=[r2 + 42]

; r1 ->  word by absolute index SP - (r2 + 42)
add r1, r0, stack[r2 + 42]

; r1 ->  word by absolute index SP + (r2 + 42)
; additionally, SP += r2 + 42
add r1, r0, stack+=[r2 + 42]

Currently, the last mode is only used in a nop instruction as a way to forward stack pointer:

; effectively, SP += reg+imm
nop r0, r0, stack+=[reg+imm]

Code addressing

Sometimes we might need to work with larger chunks that do not fit into 16-bit. In this case we can use the (read-only) code memory as a constant pool and read 256-bit constants from there.


 .cell 42
 .cell 999

; r2 <- word by index (r0+0)  code memory
add @datavar[0], r0, r2
add @datavar[r2], r0, r2

Note: instructions are 64-bit wide, but when accessing data in code memory, this memory is treated as word-addressable. Therefore, e.g. reading the 0-th 256-bit word from this memory will yield a binary representation of the four first 64-bit instructions in the contract.

There is no distinction between static data and code: code can be read, data can be executed, but instructions that are not correctly encoded will trigger panic.

Contracts always need to be divisible by 32 bytes (4 instructions) because of this addressing mode.

Using heap

Heap is a bounded memory region to store data between near calls, and to communicate data between contracts.

Heap boundary growth

Accessing an address beyond the heap bound leads to heap growth: the bound is adjusted to accommodate this address. The difference between old and new bounds is paid in gas.

Instructions to access heap

Most instructions can not use heap directly. Instructions ld.1 and st.1 are used to load and store data on heap:

; take a 32-bit number from r1, use it as an offset in heap,
; load the word from heap by this offset to r4
ld.1 r1, r4

; take a 32-bit number from r3, use it as an offset in heap,
; store the word from r5 to heap by this offset
st.1 r3, r5

Heap is byte-addressable, but reads and writes operate in words. To read two consecutive words in heap starting at an address A, first, read from A, and then read from A+32. Reading any addresses in between is valid too.

One of the modifiers allows to immediately form a new offset like that:

; same as ld, but additionally r5 <- r1 + 32
ld.1.inc r1, r4, r5

This allows reading several consecutive words in a row:

; reads four consecutive words from heap starting at address in r8
; into registers r1, r2, r3, r4
ld.1.inc r8, r1, r8
ld.1.inc r8, r2, r8
ld.1.inc r8, r3, r8
ld.1.inc r8, r4, r8

In theory, heap can hold nearly bytes, but growing a heap so large is not affordable: the maximum gas allocated is .

The topmost 32 bytes of heap are considered forbidden addresses, trying to access them results in panic no matter how much gas is available.

Heap and Auxheap

In zkEVM, there are two heaps; every far call allocates memory for both of them.

Heaps are selected with modifiers .1 or .2 :

  • ld.1 reads from heap;
  • ld.2 reads from auxheap.

The reason why we need two heaps is technical. Heap contains calldata and returndata for calls to user contracts, while auxheap contains calldata and returndata for calls to system contracts. This ensures better compatibility with EVM as users should be able to call zkEVM-specific system contracts without them affecting calldata or returndata.

Fat pointers

A fat pointer is the second type of values in zkEVM, beside raw integers.

As we noted, registers and stacks are internally tagged by VM to keep track of the cells containing pointers in their low 128 bits. Only cells with a set pointer tag are considered fat pointers.

Fat pointers are used to pass read-only data between contracts. When choosing how to pass data to a contract (whether when calling or returning from a call) we have a choice:

  • pass an existing fat pointer, or
  • create a new fat pointer from a fragment of heap/auxheap.

Fat pointers combine two aspects:

  • Delimit a fragment accessible to other contract. Accesses outside this fragment through a pointer yield zero.
  • Provide an offset inside this fragment. This offset can be increased or decreased.

The restrictions on fat pointers provide allows to pass data between contracts safely and without excessive copying.

Implementation note. Internally, fat pointers hold four 32-bit values:

  • bits 0..31 : offset
  • bits 32..63: internal memory page ID
  • bits 64…95 : starting address of the fragment
  • bits 96…127 : length of the fragment

Instructions to manipulate fat pointers

Only special instructions can manipulate fat pointers without automatically clearing its pointer tag.

  • ptr.add, ptr.sub modify the offset inside pointer
  • ptr.shrink reduces the associates fragment, so if we get a fat pointer from contract A, we can then shrink it and pass to another contract B up the call chain, again without copying data.
  • ptr.pack allows putting data in the top 128 bit of the pointer value without clearing the pointer tag.

Doing e.g. add r1, 0, r1 on a pointer in r1 clears its tag, and it is now considered as a raw integer.

Instructions ld and [ld.inc](http://ld.inc) (without indices 1 or 2) allow loading data by fat pointers, possibly incrementing the pointer. It is impossible to write by a fat pointer.

Contracts and storage

All accounts are associated with contracts. There are valid account addresses.

In zkEVM, contracts may have multiple functions in them; a contract may execute its functions by using near_call ; it may call other contracts by using far_call or its variations delegate_call / mimic_call (mimic is reserved for system contracts).

Size of a contract should be divisible by 32 bytes (4 instructions).

Storage of contracts

Every account has a storage. Storage maps keys to values; both keys and values are 256-bit untagged words.

Contracts may write to their own storage by using sstore key, value and read from storage using sload key, dest.

Static mode

Static mode prevents contracts from modifying their storage and emitting events. In static mode, executing an instruction like sstore sends VM into panic.

To execute a contract C in static mode, use a static modifier: far_call.static. All contracts, called by C recursively, will also be executed in static mode. VM exits static mode automatically when C terminates.

System contracts

Part of Era’s functionality is implemented through system contracts. These contracts have addresses from 0 to and are executed in kernel mode, where they have access to privileged instructions. An example of such instruction is mimic call, a variant of far call where the caller can pretend to be another contract. This is useful for hiding the fact that something is implemented via a system contract but in the hands of users it would mean being able to steal anyone’s tokens.

System contracts implement contract deployment, extensions such as keccak256, decommitting code etc.

Server and VM environment


Decommitter is a module external to zkEVM allowing accessing deployed code by its hash.

Overview of VM modules

The system contracts at the address , called Deployer, keeps hashes of code of each contract in its storage. Far calls to a contract with address perform as follows:

  • VM internally accesses the storage of Deployer contract by key . This storage yields the hash value .
  • then VM queries the decommitter, providing . Decommitter answers with the contract code.

If decommitter does not have the code for the requested hash, one of two things happen:

  • if C is a system contract (i.e. address of ), the call will fail
  • otherwise, VM will call the DefaultAccount contract.


The VM is controlled by a server. When the server needs to build a new batch, it starts an instance of zkEVM and feeds the transactions to the Bootloader.

zkEVM accepts three parameters:

  1. Bootloader’s hash. It is used to fetch the bootloader code from decommitter.
  2. Code hash of DefaultAccount contract code. It is used to fetch the default code from Decommitter in case of a far call to a contract without any associated code.
  3. A boolean flag is_porter_available, to determine the number of shards (two if zkPorter is available, one otherwise).
  4. The EVM emulator hash. It is used to fetch the emulator code.

zkEVM retrieves the code of bootloader from Decommitter and proceeds with sequential execution of instructions on the bootloader’s code page.

Failures and rollbacks

There are three types of behaviour triggered by execution failures.

  1. Skipping a malformed transaction. It is a mechanism implemented by the server, external to zkEVM. Server makes a snapshot of zkEVM state after completing every transaction. If the bootloader encounters a malformed transaction, it fails, and the server restarts zkEVM from the most recent snapshot, skipping this transaction.
    This behaviour is specific to server/bootloader; the contract code has no ways of invoking it.
  2. Revert is triggered by the contract code explicitly by executing revert. zkEVM saves its persistent state on every near or far call. If the contract code identifies a recoverable error, it may execute revert; then zkEVM rolls the storage and event queues back to the last checkpoint and executes the exception handler.
  3. Panic is triggered either explicitly by executing panic or internally when some execution invariants are violated e.g. attempt to use raw integer in ptr.add instruction.
    On panic, the persistent state of zkEVM is rolled back in the same way as on revert.


Bootloader is a system contract in charge of block construction (sources).

Formally, bootloader is assigned an address BOOTLOADER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = , but zkEVM decommits its code directly by its hash.

The heap of the bootloader is special: it acts as an interface between server and zkEVM. Server gradually fills the bootloader’s heap with transaction data, formatted according to an implementation-defined convention.

The bootloader then acts roughly as the following code (not an actual implementation):

contract Bootloader {
  function executeBlock(address operatorAddress, Transaction[2] memory transactions) {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
      chargeFee(operatorAddress, transactions[i]);

  function validateTransaction(Transaction memory tx) {
    // validation logic

  function chargeFee(address operatorAddress, Transaction memory tx) {
    // charge fee

  function executeTransaction(Transaction memory tx) {
    // execution logic

The bootloader is therefore responsible for:

  • validating transactions;
  • executing transactions to form a new block;
  • setting some of the transaction- or block-wide transaction parameters (e.g. blockhash, tx.origin).

Server makes a snapshot of zkEVM state after completing every transaction. When the bootloader encounters a malformed transaction, it fails, and the server restarts zkEVM from the most recent snapshot, skipping this transaction. If a transaction is well-formed, zkEVM may still panic while handling it outside the bootloader code. This is a normal situation and is handled by zkEVM in a regular way, through panics.

The exact code of the bootloader is a part of a protocol; its hash is included in the block header.

Context value

A part of the zkEVM state is a 128-bit context value. It implements msg.value standing for the amount of wei sent in a transaction. In assembly, it is used as follows:

  1. Execute context.set_context_u128 reg to set the value;
  2. Perform a far call — it captures the context value;
  3. In a called contract, access the context value through context.get_context_u128 reg.

Context value can not be set in static mode.

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