
Platform Compatibility

Platforms compatible with Python SDK

The ZKsync Python SDK supports various platforms to ensure smooth integration and functionality. Here are the details:

Compatible platforms

Operating systems

  • Windows: Fully supported on Windows 10 and later versions.
  • macOS: Fully supported on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and later versions.
  • Linux: Compatible with major distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and CentOS.

Python versions

  • Python 3.8: Supported
  • Python 3.9: Supported
  • Python 3.10: Supported
  • Python 3.11: Supported

Development Environments

  • IDEs: Works well with popular Integrated Development Environments like PyCharm, VSCode, and Atom.
  • Virtual environments: Compatible with virtual environment tools like venv and virtualenv.

Additional dependencies

The SDK relies on certain dependencies to ensure full functionality. Make sure you have these installed:

  • web3.py: A peer dependency required by zksync2.
    pip install web3

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