zksync-cli wallet

Manage your wallet on ZKsync using zksync-cli.
zksync-cli wallet [sub-command] [options]


This command allows you to interact with a wallet. You can review your balance of ETH or ERC20 token as well as transfer ETH and ERC20 tokens between L2 addresses.


zksync-cli wallet balance [options]
chain id

The ID of the chain to create the transaction on.

0x address

The address to check the balance of.

0x address

The address of the ETH or ERC20 token.


Override the defined L2 RPC URL for the selected chain.


zksync-cli wallet transfer [options]

The amount in base decimal unit format. Example: "0.1" -> 0.1 ETH

chain id

The ID of the chain to create the transaction on.

0x address

The address to check the balance of.

0x address

The address of the ETH or ERC20 token.


Override the defined L2 RPC URL for the selected chain.

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