zksync-cli bridge

Facilitate bridge operations between L1 and L2 using zksync-cli.

Facilitate bridge operations between Ethereum (L1) and ZKsync Era (L2), including token deposits, withdrawals, and finalizing withdrawals with the zksync-cli bridge command.


  • deposit [options] - Transfer token from L1 to L2.
  • withdraw [options] - Transfer token from L2 to L1.
  • withdraw-finalize [options] - Finalize withdrawal of funds.


Transfer ETH from L1 to L2 using the deposit command.

zksync-cli bridge deposit


If options are not specified, you will be prompted to enter them.

  • --to, --recipient <0x address>: Recipient address on L2.
  • --amount <0.1>: Amount to deposit.
  • --token <0x address>: ERC-20 token address.
  • --pk, --private-key <wallet private key>: Private key of the sender.
  • --chain <chain>: Chain to use.
  • --l1-rpc <URL>: Override L1 RPC URL.
  • --rpc <URL>: Override L2 RPC URL.


Depositing ERC-20 Tokens

To deposit ERC-20 tokens, include the --token option with the token's contract address:

zksync-cli bridge deposit --token 0x3e622317f8C93f7328350cF0B56d9eD4C620C5d6


Transfer tokens from L2 back to L1.

zksync-cli bridge withdraw


You will be prompted to enter options if they are not specified.

  • --to, --recipient <0x address>: Recipient address on L1.
  • --amount <0.1>: Amount to withdraw.
  • --token <0x address>: ERC-20 token address (omit this option to withdraw ETH).
  • --pk, --private-key <wallet private key>: Private key of the sender.
  • --chain <chain>: Chain to use.
  • --l1-rpc <URL>: Override L1 RPC URL.
  • --rpc <URL>: Override L2 RPC URL.


Withdrawing ERC-20 Tokens

For withdrawing ERC-20 tokens, specify the token address using the --token option:

zksync-cli bridge withdraw --token 0x3e622317f8C93f7328350cF0B56d9eD4C620C5d6

Withdraw Finalize

Finalize the withdrawal of funds with the following command. This step is necessary to complete the withdrawal process initiated on L2.

zksync-cli bridge withdraw-finalize


Options will be prompted if not specified.

  • --hash <transaction_hash>: L2 withdrawal transaction hash to finalize.
  • --pk, --private-key <wallet private key>: Private key of the sender.
  • --chain <chain>: Chain to use.
  • --l1-rpc <URL>: Override L1 RPC URL.
  • --rpc <URL>: Override L2 RPC URL.

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