Getting Started

Learn how to use the powerful ZKsync CLI tool for local development.

The ZKsync Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool designed to simplify the development and interaction with ZKsync from a command shell.


You can run commands locally without installation using the following command: npx zksync-cli. For example: npx zksync-cli dev start.

Install zksync-cli

You can alternatively install the CLI globally using the npm package manager:

npm install -g zksync-cli
If you go the route of installing the zksync-cli package locally, we recommend using the global option.

Update zksync-cli

If you installed zksync-cli via the npm package manager, you can update with the following:

npm update -g zksync-cli

Available Commands

  • dev: Start a local development environment with ZKsync and Ethereum nodes.
  • create: Scaffold new projects using templates for frontend, contracts, and scripting.
  • contract: Read and write data to ZKsync contracts without building UI.
  • transaction: Fetch and display detailed information about a specific transaction.
  • wallet: Manage ZKsync wallet assets, including transfers and balance checks.
  • bridge: Perform deposits and withdrawals between Ethereum and ZKsync.
  • config chains: Add or edit custom chains for flexible testing and development.

Further Assistance

Need help? Join our GitHub Discussions to ask questions, share your experiences, and connect with the ZKsync community.

Source Code

The ZKsync CLI project is open-source and available on GitHub under the MIT License. Feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest new features to help us improve the tool for everyone.

Made with ❤️ by the ZKsync Community