
Explore how to contribute to ZKsync's open-source projects and community.

ZKsync is an open-source project. We champion community-driven development, which means you, from any corner of the world, can contribute to shaping ZKsync's future.

This section outlines how you can enhance our documentation, engage with the ZKsync community, and contribute to our other open-source projects.

Edit Existing Content

We welcome your edits to any content on the ZKsync Docs website. To contribute changes, you will need a GitHub account.

For minor edits, use the "Edit this page" link found on pages within the Table of Contents on the right side of the page.

To suggest changes without directly editing, submit a GitHub issue via the "Share feedback" link, also located in the Table of Contents sidebar.

The best way to contribute is by forking the zksync-docs repo, making changes in a branch, and then submitting a PR. To start, follow the README in the project repo and read the Contribution Guidelines to familiarize yourself with the project structure and the documentation editing workflow.

Write New Content

For the best experience in creating new content, fork our zksync-docs project and set up a local project on your machine. If you are unfamiliar with the forking workflow, you can learn more about it from GitHub's articles on Forking.

As you write new content, please adhere to our Contribution Guidelines and consult the Documentation Style Guide to maintain consistency across our documentation.

Submit a Community Tutorial or Guide

The zksync-docs project primarily focuses on documentation that helps readers understand ZKsync and develop in the ecosystem. If your guide or tutorial includes using another tool or service with ZKsync, consider submitting it to our Community content. These documents, while adjacent to our technical documentation, are hosted in a separate project repo on GitHub.

Showcase Your Projects Built on ZKsync

We're excited to see new projects developed by our community within the ZKsync ecosystem! If you've released a project recently, we'd love to hear about it. Our ZKsync Community Hub Discussions has a section where you can submit your project for the community to discover.

Made with ❤️ by the ZKsync Community